How to create cost data dataset in Google Analytics

In this article you will find out how to create cost data dataset in Google Analytics, so you can use it as a data destination in Pipelinica data pipeline.

  1. Log in your Google Analytics account:
  2. Go to Admin options:
  3. In “Property” section select “Data Import”:
  4. Next – click “Create” button:
  5. Here select “Cost data” option and click “Continue”:
  6. Here type in any name for your dataset and select in which views you would like to see imported data, after that – click “Continue”.
  7. This is important step – here we are configuring the data schema for our custom data. Make sure you have the same fields, and “Overwrite” option selected:

    After that – click “Save” button.
  8. Our dataset is ready. Click “Done” and after that you can create a data pipeline in order to upload cost data (+ clicks and impressions) from other advertising platforms into Google Analytics.

Congratulations, now you can use this Google Analytics dataset as a data destination in Pipelinica data pipeline, so upload cost data (+ clicks and impressions) from other advertising platforms. If you have any questions – feel free to contact us HERE, or use Live chat.