Pipelinica web application has different plans which mainly differ with:
- Amount of connections (data pipelines) you can create
- Amount of days of historical data from which you can start to download data
- Frequency of data refreshes
What is amount of connections?
This is amount of data pipelines (connections between accounts of two platforms) you can create. There is an example of 3 data connections:

At the top of your dashboard you can check out how many pipelines you can create and how much of that amount you’ve already used:

What is amount of days of historical data?
This is the number of days from today, from which you can start uploading your data while creating a new pipeline. For example if you have a plan with option “up to 31 days historical data” – you can upload data starting from the date that was 31 days ago.
For example if today’s date is 01/04/2021 – you will be able to start downloading your data from 01/03/2021, and when the pipeline is created – your data will keep refreshing so you always will have data for a time period starting from 01/03/2021 till today.

What is the frequency of data refreshes?
With this option you can choose how often you want your data to be refreshed. The simplest option – is “Refresh data once a day”. It means the your data will be refreshed every day once a day at selected time (for example at 6 AM) according to your timezone. Usually this is enough, but we also have other options with more frequent refreshes: “Refresh data every 6 hours” or even “Refresh data every hour”:

Which options of data refresh frequency are available for you – depend on your plan.
Also there is an option to refresh data manually for a selected pipeline with a simple click:

If you still have any questions – feel free to contact us HERE, or use Live chat.